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Export Readiness Assessment

Export Readiness Assessment is a Web-based self-test of a company's export readiness. It is designed for:
  • Companies that see exporting as a possible new or expanded activity but are uncertain about their export potential or prospects.

  • Export counselors who need a fast, user-friendly way to "qualify" new clients for export assistance.

Using the Export Readiness Assessment, a company's export readiness is determined by its answers to questions about its present operations, attitudes and products. The questions appear in sequence, with several possible answers offered. 

Once all the questions are answered, Export Readiness Assessment provides immediate feedback in the form of an export readiness "score" and a detailed, point-by-point diagnosis. The assessment addresses the company's export readiness in each area and suggests specific steps the company can take to build on its strengths and overcome any weaknesses.

The Export Readiness Test can be taken at home, in the office, or under the purview of trade counselor. Companies working with a trade counselor should also complete the Company profile. The optional Company profile is solely for the counselor's use and will not affect the results of the Export Readiness score or assessment.

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