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Exporting Basics

This practical guide to exporting is for new and less experienced exporters. It starts with the initial question -- "Is Exporting for Me?" - and moves on to the fundamentals, procedures and available tools for "Developing Overseas Markets" and "Making Export Sales".
2. Developing Overseas Markets is aimed at export-ready companies seeking new or additional markets and customers. It gives 5 key steps to (1) plan for export; (2) identify and select promising markets; (3) determine entry strategies for each market; (4) increase market exposure abroad; and (5) find interested and qualified overseas buyers and distributors.
  Develop Export Market Plan
  • Develop Export Market Plan
  Identify / Select Target Markets
  • Market Selection Criteria
  • Market Potential Matrix
  • Sources of Market Potential Data
  Determine Market Entry Strategies
  • Distribution Strategy
  • Promotion Strategy
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Localization Strategy
  Increase Market Exposure Abroad
  • Broadcast Promotion
  • Targeted Promotion
  Find Overseas Buyers and Distributors
  • Find Potential Buyers
  • Find Potential Agents/Distributors
  • Contact and Screen Prospective Reps
  • Select and Appoint the Best Reps
  • Support Your Overseas Reps

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