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Exporting Basics Appendix

APPENDIX: L/C Instructions

  1. The letter of Credit shall be IRREVOCABLE.
  2. The credit shall be directly advised thru:
    [Name, address, telex, fax, etc. of exporter’s bank]
  3. The credit shall be Confirmed
  4. The credit shall be "available with any bank" and expire in country of beneficiary (USA)
  5. The credit shall show as the beneficiary: [Name, address, etc. of exporter]
  6. The credit shall be payable in U.S.A. currency in the amount exactly as the invoice
  7. The credit shall be payable 15 days from Air Waybill Date.
  8. All Fees/Charges are for the account of Applicant (importer).
  9. Partial shipments allowed.
  10. The credit shall allow for required transport documents not later than ________(this date will be determined upon receiving your (importer’s) purchase order.)
  11. The credit shall allow for a minimum of 21 days after the required transport document date for presentation of documents at the counters of the Bank stated above.
  12. The required documents should include:
    Commercial Invoice Totaled Ex-Works Bradford, Massachusetts U.S.A.
    Commercial invoice shall cover the following:_______________(description of merchandise)
    Air Waybill consigned to the Issuing Bank

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