As mentioned on our front page, the Global Matchmaking Reception is fully supported by NAB. If you are an exhibitor at NAB, you should have received information from NAB about the reception. Even if you are not an exhibitor at NAB, you are welcome to participate. Here's are some more details for exhibitors.

Back by popular demand…

Target International Buyers at NAB 2005!

  • The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), the US Commercial Service, District Export Council, and Centers for International Trade Development have joined forces to provide you an opportunity to target the over 15,000 international attendees expected at NAB 2005.
  • Maximize your opportunity to meet international buyers. The Global Matchmaking Receptions in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 brought more than 110 US electronic media companies and their table-top product displays together with over 2000 foreign buyers in an informal setting outside the show commotion – perfect for meeting prospects!
  • The U.S. Commercial Service’s Foreign Specialist’s will lead buying delegations to NAB2005. Countries represented at previous NAB Global Matchmaking Receptions included: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.
  • As a result of participation in the previous Global Matchmaking Receptions, participants have achieved sales in excess of $1 million
The reception is a great tool to meet the foreign buyers at NAB…and then have them visit your booth for more in depth conversations.
Gunnar Light, Managing Director
Worldwide Sales & Marketing – ATCi
Information for Tabletop Exhibitors
Location: Las Vegas Hilton, Ballroom A
Date: Sunday, April 17, 2005
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
You Get:

6’ skirted table, 2 chairs, company sign

Listing in Event Directory
Complimentary buffet
Complimentary passes for NAB2005, exhibits only
  List of all attendees of the reception after the event.
Attendees: All NAB2005 registered international attendees and exhibitors will be invited.

NAB is inviting all international attendees.

NAB is promoting this event in all applicable NAB2005 Promotions
The “NAB 2005 Global Matchmaking Reception” will be posted on the “International Services” section of the NAB2005 Web Site:
Sign-Up Online
Participation Fee:
Cost: $495 before March 1
$595 after March 1

Make checks payable to:

Citrus College - CITD
(Center for International Trade Development)
635 N. Azusa Avenue, Suite 2
Azusa, CA 91702
Tel. 626-334-0484
(No refunds after April 1, substitutions OK)