Past Attendees at the NAB Gobal Matchmaking Receptions

Over the past four years, attendance at the reception has ranged from 320, when September 11 impacted international attendance to all shows, to 480 attendees. The attendees of the reception can be documented as coming from the following 60 countries:

Argentina Germany Mozambique Singapore
Australia Ghana Neth Antilles Slovakia
Austria Hong Kong Netherlands South Africa
Azerbaijan Hungary New Zealand South Korea
Belgium Iceland Nigeria Spain
Brazil India Northern Ireland Sweden
Canada Ireland Norway Switzerland
China Israel Pakistan Trinidad
Czech Republic Italy Peru Turkey
Denmark Japan Philippines Ukraine
Dominican Republic Kazakstan Poland United Kingdom
Ecuador Korea Romania USA
Finland Luxembourg Russia Uzbekistan
France Malaysia Saudi Arabia Venezuela
Georgia Mexico Serbia Vietnam

Here is a break down of past attendees' roles in purchasing, products of interest, and job functions.

Purchase Decision Role
Having final say 28%
Specify supplier/product 20%
Recommend 28%
No Role 5%
No response 25%
Products of Interest
Radio/Audio 30%
TV/Video/Film 47%
Multimedia 42%
Internet 42%
Satellite/Telecom 28%
Job Functions
Corporate Management 17%
Engineering 9%
Station Management 8%
Sales/Marketing 8%
Production/Editor 4%
MIS/ Educator/Trainer 2%
Other 4%
No response 29%