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Export FAQs

CHAPTER: Filing Required Documentation
5. How do I get my certificate of origin "certified"?
  ANSWER: A local chamber of commerce can certify most general certificates of origin. The chamber must have access to the commercial invoice in order to verify that the exporter claims the goods originated in the United States. Local chambers of commerce should only certify goods that originate in the United States. Goods from other countries will need to be certified in their country of origin.

Many Middle Eastern countries require that the certificate of origin be certified by specific organizations. Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen all require certification by the U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce. Information on certification procedures can be found on the U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce website. Shipments to Egypt must be certified by the American Egyptian Cooperation Foundation. The Foundation can be reached at Tel: (202) 393-3369. The U.S.-Saudi Business Council certifies goods to Saudi Arabia and can be reached at Tel: (202) 638-1212. Goods to Morocco (Tel: 202-462-7979) and Algeria (Tel: 202-265-2800) must have certificates of origin certified by the embassies of those respective countries. The American-Israel Chamber of Commerce, as was mentioned previously, certifies the "U.S. Certificate of Origin for Exporting to Israel". NAFTA Certificates of Origin do not need to be certified. The declaration of the exporter is sufficient.

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