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Advertise Promote Abroad

Exporters that aren't known abroad attract no business, so exposure is a must. The Internet is a low cost, global promotional medium. Promotion methods typically used in exporting are described in Exporting Basics and other export guides listed under “Developing Export Readiness.” Promotional techniques that work well in particular countries are discussed in Country Commercial Guides (CCGs) and in Industry Subsector Analyses (ISAs) as they relate to industry-specific promotion in the country.

Company Web Pages can be virtual company/product catalogs, with text, images, price sheets, and order forms. The audience is international, whether intended or not. However, Web Page exposure has limits for exporters. Finding any one Web Page among millions is a chore, and most of the companies don't or won't export. This deters Web searches by importers.

Listings in Internet export directories offer better opportunities to be found and also indicate your interest in exporting in particular. There are two types of export directories – company-specific and product-specific. An export company directory essentially lists the companies by name and industry category. Most such directories provide limited details about a listed company’s export products (e.g., MyExports). The Commerce Department’s BuyUSA directory gives more company information. An export product directory lists the products each company offers for export, often with detailed descriptions and images (e.g., CITD Trade Directory and Commercial News USA).

Export “sell” offers can be posted in a number of different electronic trade lead systems, such as the Trade Point ETO service. It’s best to provide as much information as possible in your offer, to reassure potential respondents that you are a serious and reliable supplier. It’s especially helpful to be specific in describing your export product (specifications, uses, benefits), quantity available, price and delivery options, your bona fides, and what you would like to know from respondents.  Also, use discretion in selecting trade lead systems. Most allow anyone to post an export offer and have no quality control.

Trade press ads. Press releases and paid ads can be placed in print media in almost every country. See Newspapers of the World and International Advertising Research Center for worldwide marketing media.

Overseas trade shows. They're costly, but a trade show puts you face-to-face with many potential customers at once, all able to see you and your products first hand. You can talk face-to face, book orders, and perhaps even sell off the floor. Trade show opportunities exist all over the world. Every country has at least one major annual trade show. Many countries have shows throughout the year, often on specific industry themes. For names, dates and locations check the “Directory of International Expositions” in any library or any one of several on line trade show directories, such as Trade Show Central or the US Commerce Department’s Search Trade Events directory


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