This practical guide to exporting is for new and less experienced exporters. It starts with the initial question -- "Is Exporting for Me?" - and moves on to the fundamentals, procedures and available tools for "Developing Overseas Markets" and "Making Export Sales".
Is Exporting for me? is aimed at non-exporting companies thinking about exporting. It deals with the fundamentals of exporting, how to get started, and where to go for help. It compares exporting to domestic marketing, explores reasons why more companies don't export, explains what it takes to export, and discusses benefits, costs and risks of exporting.
Developing Overseas Markets is aimed at export-ready companies seeking new or additional markets and customers. It gives 5 key steps to (1) plan for export; (2) identify and select promising markets; (3) determine entry strategies for each market; (4) increase market exposure abroad; and (5) find interested and qualified overseas buyers and distributors.
Making Export Sales is aimed at companies that want to turn export opportunities into actual sales. It describes 6 key steps in a typical export transaction, from (1) responding to general and specific inquiries; (2) checking out the prospects; (3) preparing the goods for delivery; (4) complying with documentary and regulatory requirements; (5) shipping the goods; and (6) getting paid.