Welcome to our registration for the Global Matchmaking Reception.

As part of your participation, your company will be listed in a directory that will be printed and handed out at the reception to the international attendees and also presented on the web and in electronic format. At this time, we would like to receive from you 3 sets of information:

  1. your contact information so that we may reach you with necessary information,
  2. a login name and password chosen by you that you can use to access in order to view and edit your listing and information online, and
  3. the actual information we will use in printing the directory.

Now, let's get started with your contact information. Please complete the fields below (required fields are in Red):

1. Your Contact Information

First Name: Last Name:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: Fax:
Email: Website:
Will anyone be needing NAB Exhibit Only badges to attend the NAB show? (they can be picked up at the reception)
Names of People needing Badges
ShowTime Program: Many US Department of Commerce industry specialists stationed in several countries will be leading delegations to the show. They are broadcast industry specialists in their respective markets and are available to meet with US companies seeking to enter their markets. If you are interested in meeting with them, please click the chech box to the right.


2. Login Name and Password

Now, please select a login name and password to access information related to your company's participation at the reception:

Login Name:

3. Directory Listing

Lastly, here are the fields for your directory listing. You'll notice that some of the fields are repeated from above. That's because the contact person above may not be the same as the person you want listed in the directory. If it is, feel free to copy and paste the from above into the fields below (again, required fields are in Red).

First Name: Last Name:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: Fax:
Email: Website:
Product or Service Description:

Please check below those product/service categories under which we should list your company:

Antennas & Towers Editing:   Radio Studio/Automation:  
Application Development: Editing & Special Effects:   Recording:  
Broadband/Connectivity: Educaton, Learning/Training:   RF Accessories:  
Business Planning Tools: Facilities Installation & Management:   Sales & Marketing Tools:  
Cable Equipment & Headend: Fiber:   Satellite Services:  
Cameras and Lenses: Film & Tape   Service Providers:  
CD & DVD Creation: Furniture:   Set Design:  
Computers, PCs, Servers: Graphics & Animation:   Stock Footage:  
Consumer Electronics: Interactive Television:   Streaming Media:  
Content Creators: Lighting & Grip:   Systems Integration:  
Content Delivery: Microwave:   Television Programming:  
Content Management: Mixing Consoles:   Television Studio/Automation:  
DAB/IBOC/HD Radio: Mobile/Vehicle Production:   Test & Measurement Equipment:  
Data & Info Processing: Motion Picture/Film Production:   Trade Publication/Internet Portal:  
Data Broadcasting: Multicasting:   Transmitters:  
Data Storage: Music/Sound Libraries:   Video Capture:  
Database Technologies: Networking:   Video Editing:  
Delivery & Distribution: News & Weather Services:   Video Production:  
Digital Asset Management: Post Production:   Video Servers:  
Digital Cinema: Presentaton/Display Systems:   Video Signal Distribution:  
DTV/HDTV: Production:   Webcasting:  
eCommerce: Promotion & Advertising Tools:   Wireless:  
Economic Development: Radio Programming:   Other:  
Other Category Description:

Congratulations! You made it. Before pressing the submit button, please review your information to confirm its accuracy. When you are satisfied, click on the "Submit" button below. We will be replying to you with a copy of your listing for you to give it a final look before we go to print, that is unless it is now just a few days before the show and there is no longer time to do that. Also, as soon as we have a floorplan and other forms from the Las Vegas Hilton, NAB, or GES, we will give you the opportunity to select your table (in the order everyone registered) and make any special arrangements for services to your table.