Los Rios Trade Center Wins National Honor
The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento, CA

Thursday, May 13, 2010 - 12:00am | Page 8B

News Media Contact
Mark Glover

The Los Rios Community College District's Center for International Trade Development has been selected by the U.S. Department of Commerce to receive a "Presidential E" award for export service.

The award recognizes persons, firms, or organizations that contribute significantly to increased U.S. exports.

The award will be presented today during ceremonies at the Commerce Department in Washington D.C., with President Barack Obama expected to attend.

The CITD provides trade services as part of a network of centers at community colleges statewide.

"We are helping our region reach overseas markets through training, finding solutions to complex export problems, providing marketing consultation and working with a large network of educational and government entities," said CITD Director Brooks Ohlson.

Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2010/05/13/2746979/los-rios-trade-center-wins-national.html#storylink=scinlineshareb#ixzz0oONJLEsb

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