The San Diego CITD received a two-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Business and International Education Program Title VIB – to assist institutionalize Southwestern College (SWC) newly established Logistics and Transportation Certificate/A.S. Degree Program at its Higher Education Center (HEC) location in Otay Mesa, California. The International Logistics and Transportation Certificate/A.S. Degree is an online program with a transfer option.
— International Logistics and Transportation (A1141)
Certificates of Achievement:
— Logistics and Transportation-Basic (A1143)
— Logistics and Transportation-Intermediate (A1144)
International Logistics and Transportation Associate in Science Degree Goals of the Associate Degree Southwestern College International Logistics and Transportation, Associate in Science prepares individuals for careers in cross-border and international trade related industries with upward mobility paths leading to management and beyond. To obtain this degree individuals must complete the general education requirements of Southwestern College along with the coursework necessary for the basic and intermediate certificates.
Program Description Prepares students to work in industries affected by, but not limited to, cross-border and international trade. Develops skills that can be utilized internationally, including planning operations, transporting goods, inventory and warehousing, and supply chain management.
- Major code: A1141
- Units: 38-41, Plus additional general education and graduation requirements
- Select classes may be taken online
- View a list of frequently asked questions about the associate degree
Degree/Certificate Option Consult with a counselor to develop a Student Education Plan (SEP), which lists the courses necessary to achieve your academic goal.
Required Coursework ACCT 7. Basic Business Bookkeeping
3 units
Introduction to the theory, practice, and methods of bookkeeping with primary emphasis on sole proprietorship and payroll accounting. Emphasis on the complete bookkeeping cycle including the use of special journals, general and subsidiary ledgers, worksheets, and financial statements.OR
ACCT 101. Principles of Accounting I
4 units
Explores what financial accounting is, why it is important, and how it is used by investors and creditors to make decisions. Covers the recording and reporting of business transactions, the application of generally accepted accounting principles, the classified financial statements, and statement analysis.BUS 142. Business Ethics—Corporate and Personal
1 unit
Introduces the student to the study of business and personal ethics and provides a framework to identify, analyze, and understand how members of the business community make ethical decisions and deal with ethical issues.BUS 177. Principles of International Business
3 units
Surveys the nature and dimension of international business, environmental frameworks, international trade policies, international alliances, international financial markets, various forms of foreign involvement in international trade and discussion of the role of the multinational corporation in world trade.CIS 133. Advanced Microcomputer Spreadsheet Software
1 unit
Covers intermediate and advanced spreadsheet software concepts and techniques. Includes advanced capabilities of the spreadsheet software. The software package is Excel.GEOG 145.Introduction to Mapping and Geographic Information Science (GIS)
3 units
Provides an introduction to GIS and spatial analysis. Introduces both concepts and applications within the students field of interest. Includes training in industry leading software. For working professionals or students with a baccalaureate degree whom are unable to take GEOG150.LEGL 256. International Law for Business
3 units
Provides a basic explanation of the laws governing international trade, licensing, intellectual property, importing, exporting, investment, and economic integration. Emphasizes and analyzes the legal, political, business, and ethical issues regarding international business and litigation.BUS 290-293. Work Experience in Business I-V
2–4 units
Applies principles and skills acquired in business occupational majors to on-the-job assignments. In addition to the one unit weekly class activity, one unit of credit is granted for each 60 hours of volunteer or 75 hours of paid work activity. The job supervisor and the instructor will evaluate each student’s job performance. (Repeatable—not to exceed four units per level.)Plus the courses required for the Logistics and Transportation- Basic Certificate (22 units)
International Logistics & Transportation Basic Certificate of Achievement Goals of the Basic Certificate Southwestern College International Logistics and Transportation Basic Certificate is designed to increase the working knowledge of individuals interested in working in transportation and logistics as it relates to international trade. This program offers a practical, relevant approach to trade related logistic issues and can offer individuals opportunities for a real career path with upward mobility options.
Program Description Prepares students to work in industries affected by, but not limited to, cross-border and international trade. Develops skills that can be utilized internationally, including planning operations, transporting goods, inventory and warehousing, and supply chain management.
- Major Code: 01143
- Units: 22
- All classes may be taken online
- View a list of frequently asked questions about the basic certificate
Degree/Certificate Options Consult with a counselor to develop a Student Education Plan (SEP), which lists the courses necessary to achieve your academic goal.
Required Coursework BUS 122: Principles of Importing and Exporting
3 units
Covers the fundamentals of importing, exporting, and U.S. Customs Regulations. Provides an overview of international documentation, financial instruments of trade, and marketing. Emphasis on advanced concepts of exporting and importing, as well as practical application and completion of documents commonly used in the field.BUS 126.Introduction to Business Logistics Management
3 units
Covers systems approach to managing activities associated with the management of traffic, transportation, inventory, warehousing, packaging, order processing, and material handling for international trade. Designed to provide an overview of the fundamentals of logistics management, including its scope, process, functions, and services.BUS 151. Principles of Operations Management
3 units
Provides a fundamental overview of operations management. Covers operating processes, project management, facilities and capacity planning, quality management, just-in-time and lean systems, forecasting, aggregate planning, inventory management, and resource management.BUS 173.Transportation Management
3 units
Provides an understanding of transportation in a logistics context. Emphasizes transportation procedures and concepts of efficiency.BUS 183. Business Mathematics
3 units
Studies the fundamental mathematical operations and their application to business problems. Includes payroll, pricing, interest and discount, commission, taxes, and other pertinent uses of mathematics in the field of business.CIS 101. Introduction to Computers and Information Processing
4 units
Covers the application of computerized systems in business organizations, including basic concepts of computer organization, data processing systems, decision support systems, and systems analysis. Emphasizes solving business problems through the use of spreadsheet software as well as hands-on introduction to operating system, Internet browser, word processing, database management, presentation graphics, desktop information management, and BASIC programming software.BUS 211. Communication in Business & Industry
3 units
Includes the principles of writing through writing basic business letters, memos, effective email messages, and a short report. Emphasizes effective oral communication by participating in oral presentations and class discussions.OR
BUS 212. Business Communication
3 units
Covers the principles of written communication as applied to business, industry, and government, including business letters, memos, and reports. Includes oral communication in the form of a oral PowerPoint presentation. -
International Logistics & Transportation Intermediate Certificate of Achievement Goals of the Intermediate Certificate Southwestern College International Logistics and Transportation Intermediate Certificate is for the individual seeking additional education pursuant to logistics and transportation that can be used in a managerial capacity. Courses in bookkeeping, business communications and project management lay the foundation for further work-related responsibilities and income.
Program Description Prepares students to work in industries affected by, but not limited to, cross-border and international trade. Develops skills that can be utilized internationally, including planning operations, transporting goods, inventory and warehousing, and supply chain management.
- Major Code: 01144
- Units: 38-41
- All but 1 or 2 classes may be taken online
- View a list of frequently asked questions about the intermediate certificate
Degree/Certificate Options Consult with a counselor to develop a Student Education Plan (SEP), which lists the courses necessary to achieve your academic goal.
Required Coursework ACCT 7. Basic Business Bookkeeping
3 units
Introduction to the theory, practice, and methods of bookkeeping with primary emphasis on sole proprietorship and payroll accounting. Emphasis on the complete bookkeeping cycle including the use of special journals, general and subsidiary ledgers, worksheets, and financial statements.OR
ACCT 101. Principles of Accounting I
4 units
Explores what financial accounting is, why it is important, and how it is used by investors and creditors to make decisions. Covers the recording and reporting of business transactions, the application of generally accepted accounting principles, the classified financial statements, and statement analysis.BUS 142. Business Ethics—Corporate and Personal
1 unit
Introduces the student to the study of business and personal ethics and provides a framework to identify, analyze, and understand how members of the business community make ethical decisions and deal with ethical issues.BUS 177. Principles of International Business
3 units
Surveys the nature and dimension of international business, environmental frameworks, international trade policies, international alliances, international financial markets, various forms of foreign involvement in international trade and discussion of the role of the multinational corporation in world trade.CIS 133. Advanced Microcomputer Spreadsheet Software
1 unit
Covers intermediate and advanced spreadsheet software concepts and techniques. Includes advanced capabilities of the spreadsheet software. The software package is Excel.GEOG 145.Introduction to Mapping and Geographic Information Science (GIS)
3 units
Provides an introduction to GIS and spatial analysis. Introduces both concepts and applications within the students field of interest. Includes training in industry leading software. For working professionals or students with a baccalaureate degree whom are unable to take GEOG150.LEGL 256. International Law for Business
3 units
Provides a basic explanation of the laws governing international trade, licensing, intellectual property, importing, exporting, investment, and economic integration. Emphasizes and analyzes the legal, political, business, and ethical issues regarding international business and litigation.BUS 290-293. Work Experience in Business I-V
2–4 units
Applies principles and skills acquired in business occupational majors to on-the-job assignments. In addition to the one unit weekly class activity, one unit of credit is granted for each 60 hours of volunteer or 75 hours of paid work activity. The job supervisor and the instructor will evaluate each student’s job performance. (Repeatable—not to exceed four units per level.)Plus the courses required for the Logistics and Transportation- Basic Certificate (22 units)
Additional Options–Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Global Supply Chain Management CSU San Marcos