California Agricultural Export
Training Certificate Program
Executive Series 2009
Program Information Sheet
There is no time like the present to export food and agriculture products. Although the food and agriculture industry is facing many of the challenges posed by globalization, many market opportunities do exist. The declining dollar, the increase in disposable incomes within developing countries - provide an unprecedented opportunity for California food processors and growers to sell their products in international markets.
Program size is limited. Participation in the CalAgX program will be based upon how closely the applicant meets the criteria for participation listed below.
Each of the 6 sessions has been designed to meet the learning needs of new-to-export or non-exporting food and agriculture companies. Training will be conducted in select locations in Northern, Central and Southern California. Between sessions, participants will have an opportunity to work on various assignments, consult with industry experts to reinforce the information learned in the class and take advantage of promotional activities designed to assist participants in becoming export ready. As part of the overall program, you will receive customized International Market Research and/or an International Marketing Plan to aid your company in establishing export goals, identifying potential markets for international expansion, and suggested implementation strategy for market-entry.
Session Descriptions
Introduction to Food and Agriculture Exports
This session will provide a high-level overview of the major issues confronting todays food and agriculture exports including issues of evaluating product potential, understanding documentation, getting paid and working with foreign buyers. Participants will also be introduced to the state and federal resources that may help to expedite or subsidize their international expansion.
Logistics and Documentation
This session will help participants learn about the role of freight forwarders and custom brokers, just-in-time delivery and special labeling/certification requirements. In addition, participants will understand the scheduling of air, ocean and rail freight as well as determining customs classifications, tariff rates and other logistic barriers to product movement.
Banking and Finance
Financial logistics of international trade can be cumbersome, but knowledge and a sound plan will increase your chance of success. This session will help participants learn to develop an international quote, manage various payment options and how to finance your export transactions. In addition, this session will cover how to deal with foreign risk, offer payment terms to customers and the role of foreign currency in transactions.
Foreign Regulations and Legal Aspects
Every trade agreement from GATT to CAFTA presents opportunities as well as barriers. In this session, participants will learn about current technical standards, health/safety issues and environmental protection concerns. This session will also give a high-level overview of the legal boundaries in using licensing agreements, protecting intellectual property rights and discuss ways to recognize legal options in contract and sales negotiations.
International Marketing and Market Planning
In this session, participants will review the basic steps of writing an international business and marketing plan. This session will also include strategies to determine market selection and evaluate market entry strategies. Participants will work with industry experts, other participants and business students to develop appropriate strategies.
Negotiation and Cultural Aspects
This session will help you learn to better understand the cultural dos & donts in other countries while also enhancing your ability to negotiate your export deal. Experts will instruct participants on how to manage relationship builders such as gift-giving and receiving protocol, customs and etiquette, the bargaining process, and how to use new sales and contract techniques in dealing with the foreign customer.
This training program is funded by the California Centers for International Trade Development (CITD) through the California Community College Economic Development Program and the U.S. Department of Education Title VI B grant, International Programs, and is presented in cooperation with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).
The sponsoring organizations prohibit discrimination in its program on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, and sexual orientation, marital or familial. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, etc.) should notify the hosting program at your location.