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Centers for International Trade Development Schedule of Classes and Workshops

Advanced Management of an Import/Export Business
Find the answers to complicated international trade issues such as market entry methods, agents and distributors, pricing, financing and getting paid, licensing, protecting intellectual property, ATA Carnets, and more. Guest speakers who are experts in specific areas of international trade such as transportation, finance, logistics, legal and import/export will share their experience and answer questions. Prerequisite: Start Your Own Import/Export Business seminar and/or previous import/export experience. Instructor: Michael Clark is an international trade expert who provides his expertise to the Sacramento Regional Center for International Trade Development (CITD) and is the owner of an export business. He is also the current chair of the prestigious Northern California District Export Council, which is affiliated with the Commerce Department’s U.S. Export Assistance Centers. Since 1989, the Sacramento Regional CITD has provided regional businesses with personal coaching, research and training assistance in international trade. *************************
Cost: $79 to Learning Exchange Members $87 to Non-Members Registration: Learning Exchange in Sacramento Mail or Drop Off: 1111 Howe Ave. Suite 125 Sacramento, CA 95825 Telephone: (916) 929-0806 (Visa/MC/AmEx/DC) Fax: (916) 929-0806 Online: www.learningexchange.com

Instructor: Michael Clark
09/22/2007 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM Sacramento CA $87.00 REGISTER
Instructor: Michael Clark
11/11/2007 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM Sacramento CA $87.00 REGISTER