How to Register

There are four ways you can register for CITD Programs.  Enrollment is continuous so you can enter the program at any time.

    1.    Phone:    Call (310) 381-0577

    2.    Mail:      Fill out a copy of the registration form from the class schedule and mail it in

    3.    Fax:        Fax a copy of the registration form to to (310) 782-8607

    4.    In Person at our main office:      2377 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 120, Torrance, CA 90501
                                                                (Northwest corner of Sepulveda and Crenshaw Blvd.)

Keystone Program Registration Form

(Print out a copy and fill out a separate copy for each person you are registering)

Company Name________________________________________________________________

Name _______________________________________________________________________

Title ____________________________________________


City __________________________________ State _____________________ Zip ______________

Telephone___________________________ Fax ____________________________


Workshops Selected ______________________________________________________________

How Did You Hear About Us ________________________________________________________

Payment Method:
Cash  o                           Company Check  o  (Make Check Payable to CITD)

Master Card  o                                   VISA    o 

Credit Card Number_____________________________________  Expiration Date________

Name on the Card ______________________________Card Signature________________________________

To enroll, please send or fax this form to:

Center For International Trade Development - California-Mexico Trade Assistance Center
2377 Crenshaw Blvd., Ste. #120, Torrance, CA 90501

Telephone: (310) 381-0577 " Fax:  (310) 782-8607