(Recommended Prerequisite: CITD 010)


Fundamentals of Export - CITD # 010
This class covers the basics of exporting, documentation, financing, transportation, getting paid internationally, the development of international sales leads, international sales, international law, transportation and logistics.   This course is indicated for those with limited previous international business experience and serves as an introductions for many other CITD workshops.


03/01/01 Thu 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM El Camino College
03/07/01 Wed 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Torrance
03/08/01 Thu 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM El Camino College
03/18/01 Wed 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Torrance



Fundamentals of Export - EL CAMINO COLLEGE # 12069

This evening class is presented in 2 sessions 

  First Session



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College

  Second Session



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College




Fundamentals of Import - CITD # 015
This class covers the basics of  importing, sourcing products overseas, market research, establishing U.S. distribution and case studies.


03/09/01 Fri

8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

03/22/01 Thu

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College
03/29/01 Thu 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM El Camino College
04/05/01 Thu

8:30 AM - 12:30 PM




Fundamentals of Import - EL CAMINO COLLEGE # 12141

This evening class is presented in 2 sessions 


  First Session



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College

  Second Session



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College




Export Control Regulations & Licensing - CITD # 120
A thorough examination of export control regulations.  You will learn what types of commodities, destinations or even specific companies or individuals are prohibited from receiving U.S. commodities and technical information.  You will learn about the penalties for noncompliance and how to proceed if an infraction occurs.


TBA Fri 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Torrance




Import Regulations & Customs Clearance - CITD # 210
Attend this comprehensive advanced level workshop and learn about import regulations, the entry clearance process, negotiating with the U.S. Customs Service and how to choose a customs broker.


03/19/01 Fri 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Torrance
04/05/01 Thu 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Torrance



Import Duty Drawback Procedure - CITD # 220
In this advanced level session you will learn about the particulars of Temporary Importation; Duty Drawback; Cost/Benefit Analysis; finding a Qualified Customs Broker; Import Duty Drawback Procedure; and negotiating with the Customs Service.

TBA Wed 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Torrance



  Advanced Import Strategies - CITD # 230

In-depth examination of dealing with U.S. Customs, pre-authorization of duty rates, select correct harmonized product codes & calculate duty rates, discuss country of origin & labeling requirements.

Prerequisite: Import Regulations & Customs Clearances #210.


04/26/01 Thu 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Torrance




  Advanced Regulations & Customs Clearances - CITD # 240

Picks up where Fundamentals of Import left off with more in-depth discussions of distribution, sourcing & marketing issues including proactive problem solving case studies.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Import #015.


04/19/01 Thu 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Torrance






(Recommended Prerequisite: CITD 010)

International Transportation & Logistics - CITD # 810
You will learn more about international air, ocean, and surface transportation. Also learn how to: choose a freight forwarder; cut transportation costs; make arrangements for transportation and insurance. We’ll cover shipping hazardous materials.




1:00 PM - 5:00 PM




6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College



International Transportation and Logistics – ECLA # 12167

This evening class is presented in 2 sessions 


  First Session



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College

  Second Session



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

El Camino College



International Trade Shows Planning & Implementation - CITD # 820
International trade shows offer one of the most effective methods of presenting your products to a large number of key potential buyers, here and abroad. This class will explore the best techniques to select the most ideal shows and locations, control and share costs, avoid unnecessary taxes and penalties, attract the maximum number of attendees and explore effective follow-up procedures.




1:00 PM - 5:00 PM




(Recommended Prerequisite: CITD 010)


International Methods of Payment and Collection - CITD # 310
In this session you will learn safe and effective methods of collecting your money; how to process letters of credits and other instruments; how to sell more by financing your buyers; also find out about government loan warranties for exporters and foreign exchange and currency hedging.


02/22/01 Thu 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Torrance
03/22/01 Thu 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Torrance



International Bad Debt & Collection - CITD # 320
In this class you will learn about the risks of selling open-on-open account internationally, how to reduce those risks and ultimately how to collect once all normal options have been exhausted.  Your instructor has represented small and large companies for many years.  Among his clients are the major movie studios and other Fortune 1000 companies. 




8:30 AM - 12:30 PM




(Recommended Prerequisite: CITD 010)

Export-Import (EX-IM) Bank Trade Finance Programs - CITD # 410
Learn the ins and outs of seeking federal help with your working capital needs, buyer financing and loan warranties directly from an expert from the Ex-Im Bank. This is a hands-on workshop with real-life simulations. This advanced course is indicated for those who have completed Workshops CITD 010 as a minimum.



8:30 AM - 12:30 PM




California Export Finance Programs - CITD # 420
The California Export Finance Office (CEFO) provides working capital loan guarantees to help qualified companies obtain short-term capital loans for specific export orders.  CEFO guarantees cover pre-shipment, post-shipment, or combination loans—up to 90 percent of bank loans up to $833,000.  CEFO loans with in conjunction with and extends Exim Bank and Private Export Insurance. In this hands-on workshop we will guide you through the process of ascertaining eligibility and filing for the loan. 

TBA Tue 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Torrance



(Advanced Level, Recommended Prerequisite: CITD 010)

International Contracts and Law - CITD # 510
This workshop will teach you how to draft trouble free international contracts.  It will cover legal implications of various distribution methods and representation agreements up to the establishment of overseas branch offices.   You will learn how to identify possible legal pitfalls and how to establish scalable solid business relationships.

02/28/01 Wed 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Torrance



(Advanced Level, Recommended Prerequisite: CITD 010)


International Marketing & Sales - CITD # 710
This workshop will provide information on marketing, sales, advertising and promotions.  You will learn how to find customers worldwide, calculate costs and price goods, find and appoint distributors, analyze products and research markets.



1:00 PM - 5:00 PM




Developing and Handling Overseas Trade Leads - CITD # 715
How to develop a trade lead plan, identify trade lead sources, qualify trade leads and develop an effective communication and follow-up system for prospective customers overseas.



1:00 PM - 5:00 PM




   Export Pricing & Quotation #718

Learn how to maximize your profits & minimize your mistakes with the correct methods & techniques for pricing. Learn int'l pricing terms & the best methods of using them.



8:30 AM - 12:30 PM




How to Do Business in Latin America - CITD # 720
Business executive with over 25 years of business and sales experience in the Latin American market will share his knowledge of the cultures and prevailing business practices of this growing region. You will role play negotiation strategies and tackle thorny legal and ethical questions at the same time that you learn how to close the sales with ease.



1:00 PM - 5:00 PM




How to do Business in the Far East – CITD # 725
The Pacific Rim nations include  some of our best markets as well as our most formidable competitors. Gain essential information about the market, the economy and business practices and benefit from our presenters extensive business experience




8:30 AM - 12:30 PM




Marketing & Distribution in the Far East & Asia – CITD # 726
Learn how to establish a successful product marketing strategy to maximize your sales in the Far East. Topics will include setting-up distribution in different countries, sales techniques, pricing, advertising and promotion, and negotiation.




1:00 PM - 5:00 PM




Sourcing in the Far East – CITD # 727
You will learn how to take advantage of low cost sourcing in the Far East. Topics include: country research, finding reputable suppliers, negotiating the best price and minimum quantity terms, and controlling product quality.




8:30 AM - 12:30 PM




How to do Business in Scandinavia – CITD # 730
Explore the characteristics of the Scandinavian business model, Scandinavian management styles, Scandinavian negotiating practices, the authority range within Scandinavian organization, government influences on Business decisions, how to get expert advice.





1:00 PM- 5:00 PM




How to do Business in the European Union – CITD # 740
The relative importance of the EU as a market, how to make the most of EU barriers to trade, EU regulations most likely to affect your business, what you need to know before you start selling, EU consumer protection laws, EU rules on non-compete and exclusive territories, how to get expert advice.




8:30 AM - 12:30 PM




Establishing an Office in the European Union – CITD # 745
This class will help you analyze the pros and cons of establishing an office in the EU, and will provide you with strategies on how to chose the most beneficial location. Factors considered, include legal ramifications, investment and tax incentives, marketing and distribution issues, and cultural and language considerations.




1:00 PM - 5:00 PM




Cross Cultural Negotiations & Strategies – CITD # 750
How cultural differences may blur your message; dealing with sex role differences in other cultures, cultural differences and the authority/subordinate range; recovering from costly offensive mistakes, proven cross-cultural negotiation strategies, how to get expert advice.


03/07/01 Wed

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM





(Recommended Prerequisite: CITD 020)


Introduction to the Internet & E-Commerce – CITD # 020
What is the Internet?  How many people are connected to the internet and what are they getting out of it?  How can the Internet help your bottom line? How to register your company name for use with the Internet. Hands-on practice connecting, navigating, searching. Learn how the CITD can help you sell on the Internet.


 03/23/01 Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Torrance



E-Commerce, The Internet, and Your Business (Advanced) – CITD # 620
Expert insights to the "Wired" Global Economy of the 21st Century.  Learn how the Internet will make or break your business.  We’ll show you: how to analyze the benefits of E-Commerce; how to advertise and sell on the internet to a global audience; how to get paid for international E-Commerce transactions; and where to get expert advice on E-Commerce. Pre-requisite: CITD 020 or one year internet usage experience.

 03/30/01 Fri

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM




Using On-line Int’l Trade Leads & Assistance – CITD # 630
Explore the vast On-line trade assistance, trade leads and resources. Experience hands-on searches and demonstrations. Learn multilingual email communications and translation options. Find out how to subscribe to on-line assistance services and where to get expert advice and on-line assistance.




8:30 AM - 12:30 PM




Increase your Int’l Business through the Internet – CITD # 635
The internet is an exciting new tool, which if used effectively, can offer huge new opportunities to increase your sales around the world. Topics will include: researching international markets, finding and communicating with new clients, using foreign search engines, setting-up an effective international web-site which will attract foreign buyers, translation services and multilingual web pages, getting listed on foreign search engines, and registering foreign domain names.



Thu 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Torrance



Two Day Internet Class


 Day 1: Friday 

Setting-up Your Website & E-Commerce Site –  CITD # 020 & 620
Basic & advanced concepts on how the Internet works. How to do advanced searches, how to register your domain name, how to plan and launch your own Website. How to get listed on search engines, how to set-up your E-Commerce site and start selling.


  03/23/01 Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Torrance




 Day 2 : Saturday 


Expert Techniques for Maximizing your Internet Sales and Profit Here & Abroad CITD # 622
How to maximize your presence on important search engines and how to regularly get re-listed on search engines. How to get linked with other related websites to find more customers. How to maintain and improve your website for maximum ongoing effectiveness, including, insuring website host support and making effective webpage improvement. How to set-up the most effective internet and E-commerce sites, and how to find the most beneficial and economical merchant account for credit card charges. How to set-up your E-commerce site on the CITD mall. How to register your domain name in other countries and how to translate webpages into other languages.


  03/30/01 Fri

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM




Trade with Mexico

New California-Mexico Trade Center

Under an exciting new California State program, the CITD has received a grant to establish a new California-Mexico Trade Center. This Center will actively promote and assist trade between businesses in California and Mexico. A new series of Mexican trade related classes is being offered.  One-on-one consulting with qualified experts specializing in several key activities related to California-Mexico trade are available. A resource data bank will be developed to help our clients locate appropriate government agencies, manufacturers, distributors, Maquiladoras, trade associations, and other important trade and business contacts in California and Mexico.



Mexico City - Trade Mission & Distributor Search 


Tue-Wed March 27 - 28, 2001

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sponsored by the U.S. Commercial Service

A 2-day seminar on market opportunities; standards; customs issues; finance programs for U.S. companies.  Pre-arranged one-on-one meetings with Mexican prospects.


Doing Business with Mexico CITD # 760

You will explore the opportunities and doing business in Mexico. Topics include: differences in important regions within Mexico, cultural language and travel considerations, negotiation techniques, areas of opportunity, and structuring a long-term business strategy.


04/25/01 Wed   8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Torrance



Marketing and Distribution in Mexico CITD # 763

Explore strategies on how to increase your sales in the expanding Mexican market.

Topics will include: finding customers, setting-up the most beneficial distribution structure, sales strategy, pricing, promotion and negotiation techniques.




  1:00 PM - 5:00 PM




Tijuana Border Familiarization Tour

A full day in Tijuana: orientation; tips on doing business in Mexico; a visit of Mexican Customs;

a plant tour of a Maquiladora assembly plant.


Apr or May


  8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

San Diego/Tijuana



Mexico City - Comdex 2001 Computer Show Trade Mission

This is Mexico's largest computer show.  We will help companies plan strategy for maximizing effectiveness at the show & assist with prospect meetings and arrangements.


 May 15 -18,2001

Tue - Fri

  8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mexico City





* Evening classes are to be paid through the El Camino College Administration